
by VMesser
(Long Beach, CA)

I got a few of them :0)but here is one for now:

If possible have something to do while nursing if you're not going to be talking to your baby or just sitting back and relaxing.
At times your "to do LIST" or "should have been done days or even weeks ago LIST" gets crazy.
So while you sit and relax and feed your baby, read that magazine article that you been dying to read, "How to become more Organized", "How to become Super Mom" or "Questions about Sex after birth, Answered." What ever the article may be. Or surfing the net for answers to your breastfeeding Questions like I am now :0).
Now I'm not saying to walk around the house cooking dinner for your family or vacuuming, sweeping, mopping and cleaning every thing while breast feeding. Which I have done a few times. I'm saying find some thing on one of your list that can be simply done while feeding to help your self out a little bit. A less stressed Mom is best for mom & Baby :0)

I know this has helped me out alot

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Aug 20, 2012

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Aug 20, 2012

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