The first two weeks of my son's life were the toughest of mine

by Rebecca

I thought I'd prepared myself well for breastfeeding, I'd read a few books, gone to an information day with breastfeeding counselors and watched a few video clips of how to attach and baby lead attachment.

After a long pre-labor and a very active 13 hour established labor I was absolutely shattered and the first hour flew by like it was only five minutes.

My son did attach and feed well, I must have had copious amounts of colostrum because he put on 5 ounces in his first week, but by golly it was painful.

I had blisters and bleeding and scabs and tears. I am so glad my husband was as well informed as I was and knew he needed to support me well during that time because it would have been easy to give up (there's something inherently wrong about seeing your blood all over your newborn's face).

Anyway, we got through it. The other thing I was really grateful about in hindsight was that I didn't have any formula in the house. It would have been so easy to opt out of feeding and just give my body a rest, but I didn't and I'm so proud now.

Breastfeeding is one of the best things each day for me, and it's so easy - I don't have to prepare bottles or water or little amounts of powder etc etc. We just feed according to need and it's wonderful.

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Aug 20, 2012

by: Anonymous

Aug 20, 2012

by: Anonymous

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