The Shining Light Shines Through

by Betty H Greenman

Dear Fellow Moms,

I have been blessed to have breastfed eight children. They are now 15 to 30 years old and some are moms and dads themselves.

To every mom who breastfeeds, you are amazing. I know how hard it is to breastfeed and to be a mom and I encourage you to take one day at a time. Remember to love yourself and do something nice for yourself even if it is only a warm bath daily. Our children are our rewards of hard work. I bless each and everyone of you to have healthy and happy lives with all your loved ones.

With Warm Regards,
Betty H. Greenman BS,CLC,IBCLCh (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)

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Aug 20, 2012

by: Anonymous

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